We believe that the Stars Belong to Everyone, that everyone deserves an accessible place to view the stars. We believe that everyone should be inspired by views of our Milky Way without hinderance of city light.
Stargaze Nova Scotia
Facing south with the newly resurrected Abbey Ridge Observatory.
Facing south, where seasonal constellations rise the highest.
Venus (bright object) and Jupiter (below Venus, near the tree) just after sunset.
Phase 1: 2023-2024
Parking lot and lane
Small structure for storing gear
Washroom facilities
Power for charging lights and telescopes
Reconstruction of the Abbey Ridge Observatory
Dark Sky Chart For Stargaze Nova Scotia / Abbey Ridge Observatory: https://www.cleardarksky.com/c/AbbyRgOb2NSkey.html?1
Potential 2024-2025 offerings:
Public Stargazing Events
Private Corporate Events
Site Rental
Private Stargazing
Visit our “Contact” page to discuss booking options.
Follow us on Facebook for news and public events: facebook.com/StargazeNovaScotia
“Walk to Solar System” 1.5-kilometer hiking trail around property
Summer 2024 Update: Resurrection of the Abbey Ridge Observatory (YouTube series coming soon)

November 2023 Update
What have an outhouse!
5x5 ft with camping toilet.
Doubling as temporary telescope storage.
Practice for future builds.
Continuing to plan observatories
March 2023 Update
May 2023 Update (Lanes and Driveways)
From our facebook page, this video shows our new driveway, parking lot, and lane.
26 Acres of land
Over 900ft of frontage on Big Lake
1000ft of frontage on Prospect Rd.
30 minutes from Halifax
10 minutes from Peggy’s Cove
August 2023 update
Recently, I’ve been getting a lot of requests for access to the property. For insurance reasons, I have a few rules for those requesting access. First, you must have permission to go on the property. Second, permission will only be granted if you go with me, or someone I know personally. No going alone! Third, I’ll give priority to those who are members of the “Seasoned Astronomer” tier on LearnToStargaze’s Patreon, or the “Priority Remote Observer” tier YouTube Membership. This will help cover the costs of operating the property.
Astrophotography from Stargaze Nova Scotia
Rosette Nebula with 6 minutes of exposure
M38 with 12 minutes of exposure
Heart and Soul with 12 minutes of exposure

Stargaze Nova Scotia is still in need of funding. Connect with us via the Contact page to learn how you can help!
Stargaze Nova Scotia is a property dedicated to stargazing and space-themed activities. Currently this land is under development. Permission to access the property must be granted in advance by Stargaze Nova Scotia.
By entering this property, you acknowledge that the land contains hazards such as large rocks, dense brush, ticks, wild animals, a lake (called Big Lake), a pond, cliffs, large rocks, and a swamp. Visitors are not permitted to enter the swamp, pond, or lake. Please use caution when on the land and stay on the marked trails. If it is night time, do not leave the areas illuminated by red lights.
Visitors are prohibited from consuming alcohol or drugs on the property and from starting any fires. Parking is only allowed in designated locations, and visitors must not park on Prospect Rd. Additional parking can be found along McGraths Cove Rd.
By using this property, visitors acknowledge that they are doing so at their own risk. Stargaze Nova Scotia will not be held liable for any personal injury, loss, or damage to property that occurs on the premises.
By entering the property, you agree to comply with all posted signs, rules, and guidelines. Failure to do so may result in immediate expulsion from the property.
Thank you for choosing Stargaze Nova Scotia, and we hope you enjoy your stargazing experience!